Christopher Hornzee-Jones

Principal Designer
Christopher Hornzee-Jones

Christopher Hornzee-Jones has been part of the Sailrocket team since 2000. He is the designer of the solid wing sails on both of the boats. For Vestas Sailrocket 2, his company Aerotrope also carried out the design of the hydrofoil and the complete platform as well as creating the simulations of the boat's performance (VPP), dynamic stability and control.


Trained in Aeronautical engineering at Southampton University and British Aerospace, Chris has been attracted to just-possible projects since an early age. Since 1989 he has been involved in a number of pioneering vehicle designs for land, sea and air.


Chris is the director of Aerotrope, a specialist engineering consultancy for wind turbine blades, low carbon vehicles and major artworks. Their expertise in creative precision engineering is shown in a unique portfolio on their own website.

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