Blown Away... The 65 knot+ run (With video)

So let's get this down here before I start forgetting stuff...Last Saturday looked like it was going to be a strong day from the moment it popped onto the long range Windguru forecast. Amongst a bunch of fluctuating average days it barely deviated as it approached. We began to focus on it as being the day when we would go all out. Almost annoyingly, the day before piped up and blew just enough to force us to fully gear up and head towards speed-spot. We stopped just short of launching the boat. It was annoying as it was strong enough to force us to react but we really wanted to focus on the next day. You have to be reactive as for whatever reason, the next day may not deliver. Every opportunity has to be seized this year and we had already had two remarkable days on average forecasts.

That night we had dinner back at the crew house. I was about to raise a glass to the following day and the last day of living in the 50's... but decided not to tempt fate. We had an early night.

It was already blowing from the SW in the morning. This combined with the strong forecast spoke to us that at long last, after over six weeks, we were going to get some good, old-school, industrial Walvis Bay wind.

Our focus was to smash through a 60 knot average. After our previous record runs there had been a heap of interviews and discussions about what it all represents. people doing articles on Hydroptere, Luderitz and Rob and Alex were all suddenly diverted to that 'other team' in Walvis Bay. Everyone wanted to know what we thought she could do. My guess was a little over 62 knots average. Although our 59.38 knot run was obviously hugely satisfying for us, I wasn't comfortable to leave it at that. I sincerely felt that it was still within striking distance of the kiters. They could have an epic day at one of the venues and now they had all the motivation in the world to pull the stops out. I could just sense that they were buzzing like a hungry bunch of knife fighters whose leader had just been shot. They would want revenge and although they would figure they were on the offensive... we knew that the gun had plenty more bullets. Today we would spend them.

I was nervous about the potential of the day. It could all end a number of ways. There are crash scenarios for this boat that I'm pretty sure would be lethal. If the forward beam stay failed, the failure mode would be pretty worst case. A snap roll of the fuselage to leeward. Considering that it is traveeling sideways at 25 degrees and would be combined with a forward pod nose-dive... it would be violent. We had spent the previous few days pulling the boat apart and checking everything. Alex put dormant safety lines in key areas and serviced the wing. Ben had installed padding around the cockpit edging to protect my head. The crash harness and quick release was all serviced. The boat was good.

As I lay awake in bed that morning I considered writing a little note that I hoped would never be read and stashing it somewhere. Too morbid. Just get it right Larsen.

We had set all the previous records in relatively mild conditions and were yet to sail in average conditions over 26 knots. What would a boat with unlimited stability that is demostrating its ability to sail at around 2.4 X windspeed do in a 30+ knot gust?

Yeah it was going to be a big day alright. There was a sense of definite energy in the wind. I had told a few close friends that this was going to be it. If ever they wanted to see this boat do its stuff... then this was it. We made sure that our good luck team member Wally was on side. I also made sure that our friend and guru RC model plane flyer Bernt was there. He had a plane which could fly at 110kmh with a GoPro2 on it. It was going to be windy so it was going to be interesting to see what he could do with it as he was literally flying against VSR2's apparent wind. We had more to organise than on most days. I spent the morning fitting a streamlined nose cone to the stub-beam that holds the main foil. Malcolm calculated that it could be good for 0.25 to 0.4 of a knot. That could make the difference (in a way it did). Things like that are free speed. 'Givens'.

The wind continued to build. The forecast was playing out. I fully believed that it was going to 'over develop' and build to a strength beyond what we could safely handle. I also felt that this might be the first and last big day of this record attempt. I knew what I had to do today. As the day built I began to feel that we had to get out there early. It could have built too quick and left us with the horrible realisation that we missed it. With the big crew it took a lot longer to get ready. We had to send over two RIB loads of people to speed-spot. By the time it was our turn to get towed over it was already over 25 knots.



On the way I sat in the cockpit and pulled my cap low over my eyes. I leaned back against the new side padding that Ben had installed and just relaxed. As we entered the end of the magical mile that is speed spot I began checking the conditions out in detail. I watch the kiters and windsurfers and check out what sails they have up, how easily they waterstart etc etc. Many come past the boat as it is being towed and we swap quick expressions to discuss the wind and such. I got Alex to pull into the timing hut where I ran up and did a quick wind check. Conditions were good.... not great but worth pushing forward with. We already had gusts up to 27 but dips to 22. The direction was good and things were only going to get stronger. I felt pretty edgey. Big things happen on days like this. It was great to see so many friends over on this normally desolate landscape. Close friends who knew what all this meant to us. Malcolm and george were here. Malcolm has never seen either boat go over 50 knots yet! He would have front row seats to see something special today.



I ran back down to the boat and we quickly took it up to the top of the course. I had a quick chat to the boys to remind them to stay cool if it goes wrong. They would be a long way behind and would arrive well after the crash. I could be anywhere as they approach and in any shape. I don't wear a life jacket as I don't want to be stuck inside an upturned hull. Maybe I should. If my drysuit gets torn then it could be a bad thing. I drifted out of the upturned cockpit of VSR1 unconscious once. I'm still not sure how. I sit much deeper in this boat. I reminded them once more of the harness I was wearing and its mechanism... but mostly just to stay calm and turn off any emotion. No drama, just cool heads. I was nervous but in an excited way. I knew what I had to do and I also believed that I was about to have the ride of my life.

The wing went up cleanly and all the little rigging extras were removed. We had a clean ship. Everything was good. I had removed all the comms. to Alex i.e. ripped them off my helmet and thrown them in the piss after getting lost in the French language menu whilst trying to connect! Hand signals work. The release from the RIB went pretty well and I don't remember too many issues with getting over the initial 'hump'.

The run was pretty good. It was definitely fast although it is amazing how quickly you become accustomed to the speed. The leeward pod was flying high and I couldn't get it down as the adjustment was at its limits. It was a good run... but not a great run. When the RIB pulled alongside and escorted me into the beach I quickly lifted the rear hatch and checked the numbers... 63.17 peak and 58. 4 something average. No good. I tried to radio the group of people making the long walk down and tell them not to bother as we were going to turn around and make another run ASAP. The radios weren't working for some reason. More electronics had bitten the dust. Only the ICOM M-71 radios seem to handle it out there (no we aren't sponsored... that's how it is). Ben came down to film and I was pretty sharp with them for not monitoring the radio. 'Breathe it out and turn it off' Lars... calm down, make everyone feel cool and move on. This was not the run we wanted... but it did serve to remove any nerves we might have had. VSR2 had sailed beautifully and was handling the day easily. I was confident I could sail her full noise. We were into the day now and focused on simply getting it right. We returned to the top of the course and got set up for Run 2. This one did not start so well. It was messy. The leeward float sunk and the wing extension dug into a wave. I need to fully stall the craft in order to get it to bear away from the wind. I oversheet the wing to windward to force this. Sort of like backwinding a head sail or pulling the mainsheet traveller fully to windward. In this full stalled state the boat rolls hard to leeward like a conventional craft. In strong conditions and the larger waves that accompany them... this becomes a problem. I managed to pop the leeward float up by sheeting the wing out and getting the flow attached, the trouble with this is that it rounds the boat up towards the wind as the drive vector point way aft of the main foil. I had full left lock dialled on with the small rudder in order to stop us going head to wind. This is one of VSR2's weak points at low speed. She continued to slowly turn into the wind and I sheeted the wing back in to try and prevent it. The boat accelerated onto the plane in this state. She continued to pick up speed heading at a tight angle towards the beach. The rudder was on full lock for a bear away which meant it was fully stalled and hence fully side ventilated. I sheeted on harder to help it come away but it wasn't happening fast enough. The beach was close and the only thing to do was to ease the wing a little and dial the rudder quickly straight to get flow attached. This had the initial effect of turning us back in towards the beach. we were probably doing around 30-35 knots. The flow attached but we were getting into shallow water. I was strangely calm about it. I sheeted in again and turned hard away down the beach. The turn was too quick and the apparent wind struggled to come around with me i.e. I did not really accelerate into the turn down wind. The wing stalled. I checked the swirling leeward tell-tales. VSR2 began to de-accelerate so I eased the wing again to attach flow. I also turned her a little more in towards the beach. She slowly got hooked in and then BAM... she was off again.

She accelerated straight up to over 61 knots but I knew it was a dud run. Only 54. something average. Everyone commented about how close in I had come at the start. On reflection it was a bit marginal but on the other hand also a sign that I was comfortable with handling the boat in tight situations.

Now I was bloody minded and set to take from this day what we had come for.

We went back up for Run 3. Ben and Alex were their usual fast and efficient selves. The three of us can basically rig and run this boat. Wally was holding the bow and ready to be an extra set of hands if we needed them.

The day felt stronger. I called Helena on the now returned comms and got another wind check. She assured me that the peak gust was still only 31 knots but that the wind was now pegged pretty solid in the middle high 20's. She called out a long string of numbers off the TACKTICK weather station, 27, 28, 28, 28 , 29, 29 , 29, 28, 28, 27, 28 etc. This was it. The course looked great and things were perfect. I didn't want to have to do another run.

The release from the RIB was the worst yet. VSR2 stuffed the leeward wing in hard. The whole thing was out of sight underwater. The leeward pod was well under and even the beam end was in the water. I waited for something to break.




There is not much I can do here but lightly ease the wing, turn the small rudder hard to windward and wait for the boat to lazily swing into the wind. The boys in the RIB were right beside me also watching this unfold. Juergen Geiger was right behind me waiting to follow me down the course on his kite board. Juergen who gave me a free room in his B+B and made it easy for me to come down to Walvis when we were broke and desperate to find a home for the project. Perfect that he was here now.

VSR2 slowly swung into the wind whilst I muttered under my breath. The minute the wind attaches to the inclined rig she starts generating lift. The core stability concept kicks in and the leeward pod rips up nice and high on the water. I had heard a 'pop' out there and figured that something was broken and the run was going to have to be abandoned. When the wing attached we accelerated pretty cleanly. I checked and double checked for damage, I expected things to be hanging in the water. They weren't. Tough boat. I had severed the outboard flap control line before this run in order to back it off as much as I could. This was an effort to get the leeward side of the boat down onto the water to reduce the heeling and increase the thrust. Sort of the reverse of flying a catamaran hull too high. The flap was just bouncing around as the pod jumped off the chop. We were actually pretty well placed course-wise and the rudder had attached flow. I sheeted in hard. Back into it then. The rear skeg was kicked up hard. It locks into a wedge but is not cleated. I turned onto the course in good shape.

We were using all the course this time. We hit it hard and the acceleration was rapid. We went straight into the 60's. The pod was instantly high and I sheeted in as hard as I could to try and get it down. I was now adding a pre-fix to "fast". It was now "This is f*****g fast". That word is there for moments like this. I believe it ceases to be swearing.






VESTAS Sailrocket 2 was alive and baring her base ventilated claws. We were in close and conditions were perfect. After 11 years, all the plates were spinning. The boat gave a hard kick in towards the beach that I had to steer into. I later found out that the rear skeg had dropped down and was dragging behind giving a fixed steering input. the boat settled into a new balance. I thought it was something else related to the messy start up. I still thought something might be broken... but stuff it. I couldn't see it and whatever it was it wasn't slowing us down. We were hitting new highs. The timing hut was gone in an instant. I was vaguely aware of Malcolm and George standing on the shore in the shallows. It was just solid, hard speed now. I felt like the boat had forgotten about me and was now just showing itself what it could do. I was a passenger. The leeward pod continued to climb and climb.



Sheeting on wouldn't put it down any more as it just generated speed and hence more apparent. I had no option but to sheet out and bring it all back under control. I ended up way down the end of the beach in the shallows. We survived. That had to be it... that was hard core fast. The boys came down and we got the boat ashore. Ben once again made the long walk down. I didn't check the numbers. I knew it was 60 +. The longer I leave it the more I dial down my emotions. We told everyone to stay up at the hut. We would lower the wing and come up to them. As we got towed up there Alex was looking back at me in the cockpit to make sure I wasn't taking a peak. Everyone was pretty excited when we arrived. We hung VSR2 off a line behind the anchored RIB and walked up to the small group at the old timing huts.



I had the small GT-31 GPS with me. When everyone was there I began to play out a scene I had had in my head for years. The GPS scrolls through two numbers. One is the peak speed and the other is the average over 18 seconds... way more than is necessary for a 500m course at our new speeds. I finally looked at the numbers.



The first number I saw was 65.37 knots. This was real good. This peak would definitely deliver a 60+ knot run. It was already easily a personal best. The next number nearly sat me on my arse. 67.74knots. An electric rush shot through me. It took me a while to realise what I was really looking at. This means that 65.37 is the average. I looked at the expectant faces... and then checked again. I told them that I would write the numbers down backwards in the sand.

First the peak. 4....7....7....6. Everyone exploded. This was epic... next came the average.

BOOM! The magic had happened. VESTAS Sailrocket 2 had truly arrived. Even Juergen dropped to his knees. This was big. Sailing would never be the same.



We hugged, we cried, we laughed, we swore and yelled. I'm nearly crying now. We were all just so damned happy.




The wind continued to build and sand was absolutely everywhere. It was as if even the wind wanted to come and celebrate. Conditions were already over the top. We had nailed it exactly right. I told Helena to share the love via Twitter as I knew how many people were watching this and wanting to know about it. We ran everyone back in two trips. The boat always looked good but now she looked stunning. We towed her home the long way around the shallows. It was now over 35 knots and rough. It was a long, slow, rough and joyous trip home. The day was golden. All the way we tried to comprehend what this all meant. We wondered about the reactions of all the people getting this news in different corners of the world. We shook our heads and swore a lot... even the women.

There were more hands than usual to help us ashore.



What a pleasure it was to put this boat away in one piece. Apart from one handling error that lead to a broken beam, this boat has done incredibly well from her first sail. It has proven to be a super-tough, efficient and reliable boat. It's even practical. It feels like a 60 knot+ Hobie cat. Three people can launch and sail this thing even in windy conditions. There is a refined process to it... but still, that's all it takes.

We grabbed the numbers off the TRIMBLE and started to go through the incredible footage. The aerial stuff off the RC plane was awesome. Bernt did a brilliant job. Bottles of Red Heart Rum appeared as if by magic and the festivities began. 'Feeling Good' by Muse was the song blaring out. I was just so damned happy. That was what we were talking about. We went out there to get it right and we suceeded. I was so proud of the team and how they performed. Everyone nailed it. The footage is great, the stills are great,... the day was just... great. The other days were fantastic. They were milestones... but today we owned speed sailing. Everything else would have to change. A point now live on the chart way up 'there' that future competitors and designers need to aspire towards. Everyone has to think differently. The performance of the kite boarders did this. In many respects they should feel proud. Everyone who has held this record should feel some level of ownership of that day.

What a day.

So now, looking back, I know we could go faster. We maxxed her out on that day with those settings but with a little bit of tweaking she could go quicker. The run was a little loose, the back skeg was dragging a lot (you can see it on the aerial footage) and the pod was way too high (due to new levels of apparent wind). The wing sections were also slightly out of alignment under these new loads. With a little bit of re-configuring I know we could get over 70 knots with what we have. I don't think anyone would doubt it. We haven't seen any further signs of cavitation and we are still well within structural limits. This boat will see the other side of 70... but not this time. The wind has left us and none is forecast. I doubt Helena will get her shot at the womens record this time. It's a shame. There really has been very little wind this year but we have sure made the most of that which we have been given. We will remain on standby until Thursday but I think this is it for us.

The first Outright world record has now officially been ratified and there are three more still to come.

The following morning I looked at myself through reddened eyes in the mirror and I liked who was looking back at me.

Yeah I'm happy with that.

Two nights ago we towed VESTAS Sailrocket 2 over to speed spot on a flat calm night. We set her up and sat her on the beach as the African sun set. It was time to crack that last big Jeroboam of Champagne. It was the Outright world record bottle that the Mk1 never opened. It had been chilled, heated, transported and left to wait many times since we were given it at the launch of the first boat in 2004. It was a sad moment for me when we had to load this bottle in with the Mk1 when we sent it back to the UK. Well the second boat had earned it and this was the perfect setting in which to crack it. The cork was hard to remove (massive understatement). I shook the hell out of the deeply chilled bottle but when the cork popped... it only barely fell out the end. That big bottle had had a hard life too. Some of the fizz had gone but it still tasted fantastic. We toasted all the people who had helped make it happen and couldn't be here with us... and we drank it from the standard resin mixing cups as the sun set. Friends.







These were great days.

Sincerest thanks to all who made it happen.

Here's the video.... BLOWN AWAY!

Cheers, Paul


WOW! Congrats!

As an avid old windsurfer, I only have a faint clue of the size of your accomplishment. Well done!

Tom Hepting in Colorado

Paul you mad bastard!! What

Paul you mad bastard!! What an achievement, just bloody amazing. Remember the KR250! Good on ya mate. Pat Archibald, Victoria, Australia.

new world record 65.45 knots!

dear sailrocket,

told you to keep the 70 knots bottle ready, didn't I ?
I'm certain it's within reach for you and your crew to attain a 70 knots peak speed one of the coming days.
I only hope you have foreseen in an extra bottle, 'cause the vestas sailrocket 2 is already going far beyond expectations.
wish you all the best from belgium.
congrats again from,
aka jan Luyten,
f. maesstraat 35, 2550 waarloos, belgium, 015/310712.


There it is Paul....WSSRC Newsletters #218 and #219, publicizing official WSSRC ratification of the Sailrocket2 outright speed records:

Nautical mile outright speed - 55.32 knots
500 meter outright speed - 65.45 knots

You have forever stamped the name and your proof of concept into the record books.

Splendid work.

Tim (Vermont)


Excellent achievement and I really love the way you share your experiences with us. Great !

Breaking Records

Amazing, Flaming amazing.
Well Done paul,team and all!!

Richard Jamieson


So happy for you guys. And 70+ doesn't seem crazy!

Rock ya sox

Paul you are a legend. Totally in awe of this.

And fantastic work all of the rest of the team especially Malcolm.

A big cheer to ya from all the speed hounds in New Zealand.


Never give up

Paul and Team have set the bar so high it may take decades for someone to surpass their continuing accomplishments. Previously unimaginable speeds boggle the mind of this Tornado Catamaran Olympian. I can't wait to head into town tomorrow to congratulate Rob Douglas on inspiring The World Speed Record Holders on their jaw-dropping runs. The greatest are always the humblest, Paul. I am in awe. Thank You!
Charles Shipway


Who Could have doubted it:

The Best of BRITISH Innovation, Design, a sprinkle of Quality Engineering, 78.26451 MPH and a Mad AUSSIE Driver to Paul it all together and
Make It Happen!

Seriously Well done to you all!!!.

Keep up the support VESTAS, this is the coolest advert for WIND POWER you could ever imagine.

Paul don't forget when you bring her home the speed limit in Cowes Harbour and up the Medina is SIX Knots not SIXTY!!!

Safe Home

Chris Wilkinson IOW

Water, Ice and Dirt

To expand on a previous comment: your peak speed is not only in iceboat territory, it is right up there with the top racing speeds of the fastest iceboats (Skeeters) and landyachts (NALSA class IV). I have made many measurements and only occasionally seen speeds over 78.26 mph.
Bob Dill

Hooking the water (Reply to Water, Ice and Dirt)

Hi to Bob Dill

With reference to my blog post of 11 May 2008 "Hooking the Water" (link to my blog, High-Speed Sailing from this website), I would like to point out that I believe a (water) sail craft has the potential to go faster than dirt or ice boats. This is due to the idea of "hooking the water" (I first saw this term in one of Bernard Smith's patents). The only real barrier being the density of the water, but supercavitation looks to be the key. Paul and the VSR team have conquered the first speed-sailing barrier (Stability) and demonstrated that dramatically to the world; stellar job team!

Bob Imhoff


Another brilliant video.
I see you have added some videos to the website video gallery. I hope you are intending to add the 59 knot record breaking video to the gallery as well - for easy access and for posterity.
Sad it's over for the year.
Until the next time.
So very well done everyone.

martin Rayment


Guys, here I am sitting in good 'ol NZ watching you re-write history.
Congratulations on your outstanding achievement and "bring on 70".
I am simply in awe of your incredible design and your belief, tenacity and perseverance.
Thanks for inspiring generations.

Safety Thoughts -

Paul - The video is tremendous. The aerial views are unreal. Congratulations again.

Watching the video, and considering the future speeds that I'm certain you will chase, I'm reminded of the point you raised in your blog about probable outcomes of worst-case boat failure scenarios.

Might it be worth designing some sort of cockpit fairing that could serve the dual purpose of aiding aerodynamics but also providing a safety cage (safety shell, safety envelope) in the event of the worst-case failure? You certainly wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel as safety "cages" are designed into everything from F-1 race cars to modern composite glider fuselages.

The only other additional safety thought that I would add to the above is an emergency O2 supply. Once you've designed a safety cage to survive the (potential) initial impact, you would want a small O2 supply handy in case you are upside down in the drink. Just enough O2 for the crew to get on-site to assist. A glider pilot bail-out bottle would easily do the trick. Perhaps there's also a good scuba gear solution.

All the best-

Tim (Vermont)

totally agree with safety

Very good ideas Tim. I didn't know such safety cages existed already for other domains.
So it should not be that difficult to do for the wonderful building team of Vestas SailRocket
It would be great to equip VSR2 with such thing, no record is worth the life of somebody.

Bernard (France) who wrote the comment about courage

Safety -

Pleasure to "meet" you Bernard.

Just about every composite structure (gliders, race cars, automobiles etc.) are engineered to protect the occupants in a catastrophic situation.

For VSR2, the task is relatively straight-forward. I assume that the cockpit harness is structurally sound for high-speed impacts. The fuselage likely is already quite strong around the pilot, but the head and neck would need protection from high-speed water impacts or flying boat debris. After that, the O2 bottle for the occupant in case stuck in an overturned hull.

Cheers! Tim (Vermont)

Its the way you tell them

Hi to the team what a great run down of the whole experience from Paul, good reading and what a tale to tell, whats the plans now then?? going for 70+ I would hope, might need a supersuper caviting foil for that though.
Well done to the whole team after a number of years following the efforts of you all I am very pleased for you all
my very hearty congratulations and best wished to you all


Thanks for another nicely written piece, Paul. Informative as always.

Congratulations again to everyone. It truly is a remarkable achievement.

And thanks for the great videos. They've been fantastic.

Cheers from Melbourne, Oz.

Simon W

PS Any thought to a commemorative t shirt? Or is that for the future?

Great Idea!

How about a "Rock Concert" style t-shirt with the twitter feed of the run instead of the venues?


Well done! Those two GoPros must give significant aerodynamic drag at 68knots. Would be interesting to know how much faster you would have gone without them :-) Perhaps Malcolm can tell us?
Great to have the video though!

Unbelievable Rocket man and Rocket team!

What a result Paul! Well done to you work is the only way to have a true winning combination and you all rightly deserve credit for this remarkable result. Chockdee from Phuket.



Brilliant. Yes, the video and write up of Super 65 knot Saturday were well worth the wait. It's so great to be able to experience the achievement and joy of that day,and the other magic days, that you have shared with us all, through the medium of video, with sound, and camera shots from so many angles. Well done the video team.
And thank you Paul for the detailed write up of the day explaining so much of the reality of making it happen, making decisions, staying focused, going round again for another run. I hope you are considering writing up a full account of this years events for a magazine article, book, whatever - and soonish, before you forget the detail!
Lovely to see Malcolm on the video too, just flabbergasted with the 'ridiculous' speed.
Such a happy crew there on the video.
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you ALL - again -and again - and .........

Martin Rayment

It all came together, congratulations

And you were still draggin your tail! Wow!
Those that dream with their eyes wide open



Epic journey. Epic result for the ages. And Epic prose in capturing in words the memory forever. Thank you. Many congratulations. Andy Mac, Laguna Beach

That's not a rocket, it's a destroyer

You guys killed the record. Absolutely stunning performance Paul. After the wipe out in the SR1 I was worried you wouldn't make it back. It doesn't sound like you really considered stopping. The boat is an amazing piece of engineering, your handling of the boat is top notch, you have an amazing crew but none of that would have coalesced without your perseverance and marketing skills. It takes a very special set of skills to pull something like this off and you did it with authority.

The write up and video were worth the wait.


This is a brilliant, emotional account of the run! Thank You!

I was telling a colleague about your new record before this post and commented that "you're probably still p1ssed and haven't had time yet..." It reminded me of a former PM of ours: "Any boss that sacks an employee for taking today off is a bum".

I remember vividly where I was that day too. This *has* to be up there! CONGRATULATIONS!


What an amazing story, It's been a privilege to follow your efforts over the past few years culminating in this truly astounding result.

Andy from Aus

Fantastic achievement and worthy holders of speed record.

Absolutely superb.
Well done to Paul and the team.
Talk about holding onto the tiger by the tail, never seen footage like it.
Special kind of mad courage.
Mike OD

Amazing stuff

Not only have you guys beaten the record, you've absolutely destroyed it, wow! who'd have thought all those years ago that the Holy Grail would be yours.

Lets see the kiteboarders top that!

What a great article!!! Big

What a great article!!! Big lump in the throat reading that. - true Limbic Candy. Echo the documentary call - you guys deserve pulling in the respect of previous holders and failures. You've spun an excellent yarn which must find its place on history. BBC SPOTY Team of the Year? You've just missed the opportunity for nomination this year - bummer!

(Limbic Candy)


Because of don't the risk of dislocation or out spin of your machine, why have not a plexiglass bubble to protect you? Would Y have it an interest to lay out an empennage of type “duck” controlled by a gyroscope in front of your machine to control the plate of it? which fabulous record

Speachless. Piero

Speachless. Piero


Beautiful write-up for an awe inspiring record-setting run. Congratulations Paul, to you, Helena, and your entire team. And I specifically congratulate Malcolm on the fantastic VSR2 design. I have followed this blog for many years, and I got goosebumps reading this posting. I feel like I was there with you guys. I think this is a great excuse to drink some champagne here in the District of Columbia. I wish you all the best.

Alan K.

What a courage!

Wonderful narration, and it confirms what I was thinking: you are really risking your life is such a fast machine, and it isn't easy to pilot, so the way you managed it is awesome.

I'm sure the boat can go over 70knots but it needs more tuning, maybe some new development about safety.

You did well to stop after this run. That's the mark of great leadership. Knowing where is the limit and stop at the right time.

We kitesurfers, will take years to break to record.
VSR2 is the new Crossbow nightmare of wind and kite surfers.

What an engineering marvel! I'm glad Malcom could see it.

Bravo! Très, très fort!


Seen from overhead via Bernt's rig, VSR2 looks like some lethal alien reptile strafing the Walvis beach!!!

Nick Pike


Absolutely brilliant, well done to the whole team....One thing I don't understand (as a layman) is why is there no fairing behind you (and screen in front) to help reduce drag created by your head and the opening for the cockpit? My understanding is that as speed increases, drag increases dramatically and I would have thought that reducing drag becomes more important as a you reach these higher speeds...sorry higher speeds should read almost unbelievable speeds? Anyway, brilliant journey to watch from afar.....looking forward to seeing what you might achieve in the future.


incredible and well done to the whole team, what an achievement after 11 years.

that video is just so cool, has been so worth you investing in the media side of things this year the videos have been a huge step up, they almost feel as though we are riding with you.

and finally thanks for being so open about the project and sharing so much with us it truly makes it an incredible project to follow.

alex ward



And so it's done. For now...

Paul, Helena, and everyone,
What a fairy tale ending to this chapter of the Sailrocket story. Thanks for leaving us with the promise of a Sailrocket sequel that's sure to bring even more thrills, including the Helena chapter yet to come. What a ride it's been, following your efforts for all these years. Seeing the results of your persistence, ingenuity, and sheer guts is truly inspiring.
Congratulations once again,

Epic Story

Paul - It's a really great story. Hearing about the numbers and the bare outlines is nothing compared to the narrative that you have provided. I literally was at the edge of my seat as a read through. And of course, the epic conclusion, and yes, my eyes were tearing as well.

I haven't watched the video yet - the stills alone are gripping - but I look forward to it.

"Everyone has to think differently...Sailing will never be the same". Yes, that's it. One must imagine that there remains incredible developments over the horizon,and I suspect that nobody knows it better than you. Given your curiosity and adventurous spirit, I look foreward to the further accomplishments of the team and the boat.

Meanhwile, you have stamped a hell of an exclamation mark into the pages of sailing history.

A most heartfelt and teary-eyed congratulations from this New Englander. And thanks for taking us along for the ride.

Tim (Vermont)

Congratulations and thanks

Its Been fantastic following you, I knew you would break 65!

Google trending search

68.01 kts in mph...

You folks are an inspiration.


What a team, what a machine, what an achievement!!
We have been following you for years with a feeling there was a certain inevitability that you would do it & now you have, with an awesome video which brings us casual followers right into the heart of the action. The emotions that video creates in the viewer are wonderful and surely not a fraction of how you all feel. The aerial shots are truly breathtaking. Your commentary allows us to feel the run with you and the way everything has been shared in your blogs over the years has been fascinating and a pleasure to read...its been a real joy when an email pops in to say there is an update on the blog.
We are addicted to Sailrocket the drink now!!
Thank you.
Andrew & Jane

Well done

.....not sure there is much else to say really.

Yeah Bloody Nice!


Have been following the Sailrocket project since the begining all those years ago. A well deserved record and congratulations to the whole team.

Will we have the pleasure of looking forward to a book on the long road to this point?

Iain Duthie


Amazing story...... i'm all out of superlatives!

Your journey with team has been incredible. Long may your record stand (until you go back out and bust 70 Knts)

Warwickshire, UK.

We salute you capt

We've been following you for years since chatting with you in Portland harbour, and what a thrill to see you annihilate the record. Just totally fantastic. We'd have been delighted if you'd tinkered at the record as that design just had to be worth the record- but this!! This is awesome. So pleased the whole team was there, esp that Malcolm & George witnessed the record- and Helena's reaction was just magic....
We, like many, have joined you in celebratory 'sailrockets' & will do so again at every opportunity. Well done Paul, well done everyone involved. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Andrew & Jane

I will miss this blog.

Never thought I would get emotional watching a sailing record video(!). Well played, right down the line, from the written narrative to the videos to the sailing itself. Very inspiring.

I hope the BBC or someone else does a documentary on this project. Perhaps you can do it with all your skillz but it would be great to get the other record holders on camera about what this means etc. and delve into the history of the project and the overall speedsailing endeavor a bit.

I think someone else mentioned an OBE or something; I have no idea if they do that for the Commonwealth but in my opinion it would be richly deserved.

We are all wondering what you will do for an encore; you have a very engaging way of sharing your experiences that makes them a pleasure to follow. TV show? But perhaps it does not matter. This is more than enough.

Big Big Congratulations to

Big Big Congratulations to the whole team !
Seeing the video gave me goose pimples, sóóóó special !!
I think I was the first last week to say (per email, had not figured out the login) the phrase '70 knots coming up'.
With a step change this trip from low fifties to 65+ , I guess next year you are good for a further step, past 70.
Don't stop here, but work on the stability.
Geert de Vries, Pretoria

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