Wishing you all Happy New Year...

From all the team at VESTAS SAILROCKET, we would like to wish those of you who have been following our trials and tribulations a fast, efficient and (most importantly) controllable year as we all strap into the cockpit of 2010 and point her down the course.


I personally feel so very fortunate to have these dreams I have shared with you here in my life. No matter how 'down' we get at times, the dream is always there. It focuses my energy and means I go forth every day with an underlying sense of optimism and possibility. Around this time of year that sense is heightened.


Will this be the year?


We will do all we can to make it so. Every year we come back fitter, stronger and smarter. This year is no exception. We got damned close last year... but 'close' didn't shoot the rabbit. As we started the actual sailing program back in 2004, we were given a litte champagne support by the kind people at MUMM. We had a bottle for 10knots, 20 knots, 30, 40 and 50. They got progressively bigger and harder to pop. The last one, the biggy, is for the Outright world speed sailing record. It sat patiently on ice over the past year waiting for the fumblings of we humans to come noisily fetch it in dripping robes and release the bubbly genie of joy within. It became a focal point. Putting it back in the container to ship back to the UK was not a joyous moment. It hurt me to do that... and it hardened my resolve. That bottle is for one thing... and it will go down.


Will this be the year?


All I can say now is to the faithful, keep the faith, it's not mistrusted... and to those of you just watching for the fun of it... keep watching... there's plenty more to come.


I hope you all go forth with your own dreams and the optimism that comes with them. Opportunity is always around us but you have to keep casting the net to catch it.


Good luck.




happy new (record) year

hi guys
i have been following your progress since you started
being british i have massive respect for you and the hydropter team

but i so hope the record comes back to old blighty
and want you to know that their are many many people
routing for you to stick it to the frenchies

im,e doing something rather crazy myself with a kayak
some hydrofoils,an aluminium frame,and a garden full of second hand windsurfing equipment
the misses is going nuts-but i have the bug

all the best,tony



It's on again - there is hope this team will smash it once and for all. Vesta's II is my new favourite boat already!!

Hi Paul

Hi Paul
Glad to see all is going so well. Long time no speak! Happy New year to you. Best wishes. Pete, Penny, Pip & Rob.


Thanks Paul for ALL the forward progress, recorded and endured. Just like your speed is a result of something we can only see the effects of (air/wind), your continued success is the result of something we also can only see the effects of (your passion/perseverance).

Happy New (this is the one) Year!

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