Third time lucky???

Crazy days with thunder, lightning and strange winds. It had me shaking my head and fearing for the worst. But thankfully the forecast wind has punched in and now it's getting cold. This is more like it.

The Walvis bay wind machine has been acting up over the past few days and simply not delivering the goods. The forecasts have been perfect... but forecasts aren't the things that make the wind blow.

We have now lost the mid afternoon high tides and will have to make our way carefully across to speed-spot the long way around.

The team has grown with various people filming... hell, even my mother is over here.

So now we are all gearing up once more... as are the butterflies in my stomach. It really feels like it's going to blow... but it could all change with this unusually odd weather.

We will be all set up out there in 60-90 minutes... probably 90.


One of these days... it will all come together.


Cheers, Paul.


Thunbs up

Hi there, all the best for today, hope the conditions are in record format


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