...and again....

The forecast wind didn't quite materialise yesterday with winds only reaching an average of around 17-18 knots. It looks like the extra 'portion' necessary may have arrived today as it was already windy at midday.

We are getting ready to go out. It's colder than usual and whitecaps are already showing. I hate to say it... but It feels like it's a bit brutish. The forecast indicates that there will be wind until the end of our record attempt which is encouraging.

Righto... here we go again. Let's hope it doesn't get to gnarly.

Apologies for keeping you all in suspense and seemingly dragging this on. It's out of our hands and believe me when I say that it frustrates us more than anyone. Speed-sailing is a game of patience for all involved.

Cheers, Paul.


a different wish.

Paul, Don't be concerned about our patience. The ups and downs of your odessey has captured the interest of a lot of people. This will take as long as it takes and in Hillary's words you will "... knock the B@$%@*d off...." I hope your sponsors understand how close you are and that you are pursuing a goal that is on the skirt of the bell curve rather than being in the center. Nor on a run to run basis are you dealing with record run success probabilities defined by skirts with lower limits higher than ~2 sigma. Rather than luck, I will wish you high tides and smooth seas with a couple days of stable 26 kt winds with no gusting. I believe your team can supply the rest. =============================== Frank N   Trifoilers 88 and 95, HC18M 

Fingers crossed


Good luck to you all for

Good luck to you all for today.

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