Ho-Hum... lazy last day standby...

Greetings all,

well here we sit on the last day of our first record attempt... and well may we sit for the rest of the day. A stubborn little NWesterly is blowing which indicates the same weather pattern that has been messing with us for the past weeks. It's pretty annoying as it just holds the otherwise forecast winds back enough so that you can't make a reliable decision on standing by or down. No lunchtime drinks on xmas day... just in case. We can't even begin packing up now and to make things worse... tomorrows forecast is now picking up. We can extend by a day no problem... and we almost have to as nothing would be worse than having the boat half pulled apart with a record breaking day on your doorstep.

So all this means that our work is not done and we will have to come back one more time if we are going to reach the summit of speed-sailing. If that's what it takes then of course that is what we will do.

Anyway, let's see what the day does... and maybe the next if we are pushed. I have heard that they are predicting minus 2 degrees back in the UK... so no rush to get back there just yet.

Cheers, Paul.

website by hangmyhat