Fingers crossed for 'BIG WEDNESDAY'!!!

So the wind is forecast to come... but then so it was yesterday... and it didn't!

We are as ready as we can be although the instrumentation is proving to be problematic. Everything else is dialled in and the tide is flooding into the lagoon. Speed-spot at Walvis Bay will be ablaze with VESTAS jackets today as four engineers from Denmark are on-site having won an inhouse competition to come to Namibia to see VESTAS SAILROCKET in action. I'm hoping that the Walvis wind tunnel turns on.

If so... and our new system is where it should be... then today could be a big day for us. The importance of these coming days have been on my mind recently. I feel we have arrived at an important point and it is time to perform. I know what's expected and what we need to deliver.

I hope today gives us that chance.

Cheers, Paul.

website by hangmyhat