Too much, Too little...

Whilst Friday easily delivered the forecast 30 knot winds, disappointingly, yesterdays ideal forecast failed to materialise.


Despite the strong forecast we still battled across to speed-spot just in case an opportunity arose. I knew it was going to be top end stuff so as a last precaution we added an extra 20kg of ballast to the nose. Power was not going to be a problem in those winds. Just getting across the lagoon was hard work and the wing strained against its restraints. Walvis Bay was pumping out a solid, steady wind that was just too much for us. We recorded the wind for about half an hour for future reference and then headed home.

Yesterdays forecast was for 25 knot winds so we all psyched ourselves up for a big day. The morning just didn't show signs of powering up as there was a light WNW wind that didn't budge. By lunchtime I guessed that we had been duped. It was very frustrating as we had all been commenting on how the forecast has been absolutely spot on for the past weeks. So we hung around to 5pm before canning the day completely.


As it stands there are no great forecasts coming up. Of course that will change... but now I start to hear the clock tick as day by day options fade away. We would have enough time to fix any big issues and come back again if they happened now. In a weeks time we will be stuck with whatever gremlins we have. There is nothing we can do. Hopefully we will only need one or two good days to finish this job once and for all.


Cheers, Paul.

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